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trackleCatch sensor system with return strap

trackleCatch sensor system with return strap

Regular price 269,90€
Regular price Sale price 269,90€
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  • Free shipping within Germany

  • Certified contraceptive
  • 100% natural & hormone-free
  • 30 month guarantee
  • 60,000+ trackle users
Delivery time: 3-5 working days
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With trackle you can determine precisely and reliably which days in your cycle you are fertile - and which days you are not. With the trackle you can have hormone-free contraception by using a hormone-free contraceptive, such as a condom , on your fertile days. Or you can use trackle as a supporter on your path to having children or as a helper in your cycle observation and control. By continuously measuring your core body temperature while you sleep, trackle is particularly precise and reduces sources of error in the classic temperature method - taking selective measurements at the same time in the morning is no longer necessary.

Delivery content

  • 1 x trackle catch sensor system
  • 1 x trackle catch cotton cord
  • Free use of the trackle app - no hidden costs
  • Free onboarding course

Returns & Guarantee

  • 14-day return policy
  • 2.5 year guarantee on the sensor function
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Customer Reviews

Based on 124 reviews
Laura O.
Ganz ganz tolle Sache!

Nach 15 Jahren hormoneller Verhütung und dadurch bedingte Nebenwirkungen (starke Stimmungstiefs, Kopfschmerzen,…) war ich auf der Suche nach einer hormonfreien Alternative. Mein Mann und ich haben uns dann gemeinsam auf die Suche nach etwas sicherem gemacht, dass in unseren Alltag passt. Ich hatte großen Respekt vor diesem Schritt und war zunächst sehr kritisch, aufgrund der Bewertungen. Viele haben sich darüber beschwert, dass der Sensor nicht funktioniert nach kurzer Zeit. Das kann ich bislang nicht bestätigen, die Daten werden schnell, einfach und zuverlässig übertragen. Hoffentlich bleibt das auch so. Trackle ist für mich genau das Richtige. Leicht zu bedienen, einfach einzuführen, die App ist übersichtlich, man merkt ihn beim Tragen überhaupt nicht. Es ist spannend in der App seinen eigenen Körper zu beobachten und das ist mit trackle wirklich easy. Das war mir besonders wichtig, da Messen zur selben Uhrzeit etc. für mich nicht in Frage kommt, weil ich sowas einfach verbaseln würde.
Direkt im ersten Zyklus hat Trackle meinen Zyklus auswerten können.
Da der Kinderwunsch nicht mehr allzu weit entfernt ist, ist es außerdem toll, dass man Trackle neben der Verhütung auch zur Kinderplanung nutzen kann.
Ich freue mich einfach sehr meinen Körper wiederzuhaben und hab mich lange nicht so gut gefühlt. Auch wenn der Preis erstmal hoch wirkt, ist es bei genauerer Betrachtung genau so teuer wie die Pille oder der Verhütungsring. Ich kann den Trackle jeder Frau ans Herz legen.
Das Rückholband habe ich zwar mitgekauft aber bis lang nicht verwendet. Funktioniert auch ohne prima.

Lotte P.

Ich habe trackle seit ein paar Wochen und finde ihn toll. Super leicht einzusetzten und praktisch mit Rückholband. Viel einfacher und angenehmer als jeden morgen Temperatur selbst messen zu müssen. Finde trackle super und würde ihn jedem empfehlen. Würde mich zwar über mehr Eintrag - Kategorien in der App freuen (zB LH-Test, PMS, Libido, Emotionen ect.) aber ansonsten bin ich total happy :)

Sarah H.
Nach anfänglichen Schwierigkeiten jetzt alles okay

Am Anfang gab es bei der Verbindung des teackels mit der App Probleme. Nach einigen Werktagen war es okay und geht seitdem problemlos.
Einmal war das Rückholband zu kurz. Ich habe den trackel nur mit fremder Hilfe raus bekommen. Mit dem Faden sollte man nicht sparen.

Bis jetzt gut

Ich benutze trackle noch nicht lange. Aber ich kann bis jetzt nichts negatives sagen. Die Synchronisierung funktioniert ohne Probleme und ist sehr schnell. Man spürt ihn garnicht. Das einzige, was schwierig ist, ist das rausholen des trackle. Ohne Rückholbändchen kriege ich es noch nicht hin, da ich ihn nicht gut greifen kann.

Jessica G.
Sehr zufrieden

Ich bin mit dem Produkt bis jetzt zufrieden und freue mich auf die weiteren Erfahrungen.

That’s what makes trackle special

  • Developed by a woman

  • Certified contraceptive

  • Made in Germany

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What can I use trackleCatch for?

With trackleCatch you can precisely and reliably determine which days in your cycle you are fertile - and which days you are not. What you do with this information is entirely your decision: With the trackleCatch you can use hormone-free contraception , by using a hormone-free contraceptive, such as a condom , on your fertile days.

Who is trackleCatch suitable for?

trackleCatch works for all people with a cycle who either use safe and hormone-free contraception or who want to realize their desire to have children . Thanks to the continuous measurement at night and the digital data processing, it is ideal for anyone who has difficulties with daily measurements in the morning: For example, people with an irregular sleep and life rhythm, small children or those who work shifts.

The trackleCatch sensor model is particularly suitable for trackle beginners who still need a little security:
Thanks to the option of attaching a retrieval strap , the sensor can be easily removed by pulling on the strap - like a tampon. But even without a return strap, with a little practice you can easily grab the trackle sensor from the bridge and remove it. Just try it!

How does trackleCatch work?

The sensor is 6.6cm x 2.3cm in size. It is worn vaginally at night like a tampon and records the core body temperature. After getting up, remove the trackle and put it back in its box after cleaning. There he transfers his data. In addition, you provide further observations and the quality of your cervical mucus in the app a. The app tells you the result: Today is a fertile or infertile day.

What are the running time and costs of trackle?

trackle works for at least 30 months and, as a hormone-free alternative, is even cheaper than traditional family planning methods for women.

Das trackle Webinar

Du willst mehr über hormonfreie Verhütung und trackle erfahren? Dann besuche jetzt unser kostenloses Online-Webinar!

Es erwarten Dich jede Menge spannende Informationen!

Zum kostenlosen Webinar


1. What is the difference between trackleCatch and trackleRegular?

The difference between our trackleCatch and trackleRegular is that in our trackleCatch there is a small hole in the recessed grip to which a retrieval strap can be attached to easily remove the sensor like a tampon. Many new customers therefore choose the trackleCatch.

The trackleRegular does not have this hole and can be gripped and removed using two fingers on the recessed grip. With a little practice this isn't a problem. The trackleCatch can of course also be used without a retrieval strap .

2. I have just stopped taking the pill / IUD / hormonal patch. When can I use trackle?

After stopping hormonal contraceptives, your body needs time to “adjust” again and this takes different amounts of time depending on the woman. You can use trackle immediately after discontinuing it. If you have bleeding after stopping (= withdrawal bleeding), you can enter this bleeding as your first menstruation in the trackle app to start your first trackle cycle.

trackle will then assume fertility until ovulation can be detected according to the rules of the symptothermal method (consisting of a high temperature and cervical mucus peak ).

We therefore recommend that you wear your sensor from the 5th day after your period starts and monitor and record your cervical mucus every day.

If you have any questions about stopping the pill or need support, please take a look at our stopping the pill guide .

3. When does trackle's evaluation become reliable? How long does it take to get used to it? Does trackle have to level off? Press

trackle is reliable from the first cycle because trackle does not evaluate the cycle based on past data or forecasts, but rather based on your current data, i.e. your core body temperature and your cervical mucus entries. These always show whether you have already ovulated or not. Trackle does not have to “settle down” and does not require any time to get used to it.

trackle evaluates your cycle using the symptothermal method. Of course, there must be enough data from the respective cycle for an evaluation. Here you can find out more about how trackle evaluates.

4. Can I also wear trackle during my period?

Theoretically, you can wear the sensor during your period , but you don't have to. The first day of your period marks the first day of your cycle.

We recommend using the trackle from the 5th day of your cycle in order to achieve enough measurements for an evaluation - this way you can also comfortably wear a cup or tampon during your period! If you want to wear the trackle during your menstruation, you can only do so in combination with a pad or period underwear .

5. When and how does trackle evaluate ovulation?

trackle evaluates using the symptothermal method (STM). Each day is initially viewed as potentially fertile - unless a day can be declared as infertile according to the STM rules.

As you may already know, two of your body signs change reliably and scientifically - namely the cervical mucus and the core body temperature:
The hormone estrogen causes the consistency of your cervical mucus to change visibly as ovulation approaches.

After ovulation, the hormone progesterone is released, which ensures that the body's core temperature rises by at least 0.2 °C. These two independent body signs make it possible to determine when the fertile phase is over - namely when ovulation has occurred. STM takes advantage of these scientific findings and ovulation has occurred when the following two conditions are met:
1. A cervical mucus peak has occurred

2. An increase in temperature has occurred

To evaluate your cycle and release the infertile phase, trackle requires your core body temperature data, which the trackle sensor measures overnight, as well as your cervical mucus information, which you enter in the trackle app. If one of the two pieces of information is missing, trackle cannot (yet) reveal ovulation and therefore no subsequent infertile phase.

If you have any questions about cervical mucus evaluation or need support, please take a look at our cervical mucus course .

6. Does the trackle evaluation also take into account the survival of sperm over several days?

You can only get pregnant for up to 7 days in a cycle: These 7 days include both ovulation itself, during which the egg can be fertilized for approx. 12-18 hours, and the days before, because sperm can contain up to Survive in the body for 5 days.

trackle reliably recognizes these days (as well as the infertile days) according to the rules of the symptothermal method and marks them in your app. The STM has been researched in several studies and is very reliable - it has a Pearl Index of 0.4 in method reliability (when used “perfectly”). With the symptothermal method, the core body temperature and cervical mucus are evaluated. This provides “double control” so that fertile and infertile days can be distinguished very precisely.

Please take a look here if you would like to learn more about the rules of the symptothermal method.